Revealed: British Premier Gordon
Brown Is A Pedophile
By Michael James in Germany
Schoolchildren murdered at behest of the British elite
In the early months of 2003, just prior to the illegal invasion of Iraq, and working in conjunction with a London-based freelance journalist, who had thoroughly double-checked exposures published by the Scottish 'Sunday Herald' newspaper, I publicised details of a child-sex ring linked to senior ministers within the Blair government.
I initially published my findings, stemming from discrete leaks from a secret list provided by the American FBI to the 'Sunday Times' newspaper, and concomitantly discovered that Tony Blair had issued a gagging order to suppress all further discussion of a scandal that would most certainly have brought a swift end to his administration and made Britain's collusion in the destruction of Iraq impossible.
The articles I wrote concerning the "Operation Ore" cover-up and the 100-year blackout order imposed upon the report concerning the Dunblane massacre of children used and abused by senior Scottish Labour government ministers can still be found here:
Alleged Pedophiles at Helm of Britain's War Machine, Massive Cover-Up [Ref. 1]
Blair's Protection of Elite Paedophile Ring Spells the End For His Career [Ref. 2]
Blackout in Britain: Alleged Pedophiles Helm Blair's War Room
Blackout in Britain: Alleged Paedophiles at Helm of Britain's War Machine
Tony Blair Caught Protecting Elite Paedophile Ring
Cremation of Care: The New World Order and the Dunblane Shootings
Dunblane Secret Documents Contain Letters by Tory and Labour Ministers
These stories, which also implicated the Attorney-General Lord Goldsmith, former NATO Boss Lord Robertson, and the Svengali of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's rise to power, the flamboyant homosexual Peter Mandelson (now Lord Mandelson), were widely publicised on the Internet, excited debate within numerous online forums, and inspired Robert Kilroy-Silk's former Veritas Party to undertake a detailed examination of the extent to which senior and junior ministers close to Gordon Brown were given free licence to engage in paedophiliac activities under the protection of the British intelligence services
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Limitação de responsabilidade (disclaimer): As entidades e personalidades, objecto das notícias dos media que comento, quando arguidas, gozam do direito à presunção de inocência até ao eventual trânsito da sentença em julgado.
quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2010
Será este o segredo dos Mccann
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É revoltante mas já nada me surpreende. É urgente que se saiba a verdade e que os culpadis sejam punidos.
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